Tuesday, December 04, 2007

That Was The Year That Was

A meme: Take the first sentence of the first post of each month of 2007. The result is the summary of your year.

I ignored posts that contained nothing but stupid internet quiz results, and got the following:
Had a good New Year's Eve.

I'm trying to convince myself that the fact that I'm having trouble finding some of the BBC Eighth Doctor books, now that I'm within a dozen or so books of finishing the series, does not, in fact, actually constitute an emergency.

Some while ago, I remember talking to Fred Coppersmith about LibraryThing, which is an online book-cataloging tool that lets you organize your library, compare it with other people's, get recommendations based on it, and all sorts of other stuff.

Oh great, the clocks I had to set ahead by hand weeks ago have now just spontaneously set themselves another hour forward.

I feel like I ought to apologize for the recent utterly content-free nature of this blog, not that I imagine anybody ever comes here looking for Deep Thoughts and Meaningful Insights.

My cactus is blooming!

Independence Day may be just around the corner, but come July 6th, the British will be back!

Here's a deeply silly and pointless, but unaccountably entertaining meme:

My life would probably be much easier right now if I'd just stop stressing about all the things I'm supposed to be doing and started actually, y'know, doing them.


Thanks to spending nearly every waking hour last weekend at work (and thus missing what was apparently a really good Halloween party, dammit), I found myself with only sixteen random hours to put in over the subsequent seven days.

Oh, man, it's December now?!

Hmm. That's probably not a bad summary of my year, actually.

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