Saturday, November 08, 2003

This Again!

Current clothes: Well, right now I'm lounging around in a pair of gray plaid pajama bottoms, a hugely oversized t-shirt, and a pair of thick white socks with pictures of polar bears on them. The t-shirt features Eeyore of Winnie-the-Pooh fame. On the front, he's smiling a bit, and there's a cute little bird sitting on his head. It says, "It's been one of THOSE days..." On the back, Eeyore's looking morose, his tail has come off, and a whole bunch of cute little birds are pulling the hair on his mane. The words continue, "...All WEEK!"

Current mood: OK, in an it's-still-too-early kind of way.

Current music: Let's see. In the stereo right now are Radio Sunnydale, Jonny Lang's Wander This World and Warren Zevon's My Ride's Here. In the walkman is the new Sting album.

Current hair: It kinda looks like it hasn't been touched since I slept on it last. Which, oddly enough, is precisely the case.

Current annoyance: Having to have all this damned dental work done. It took two days for the swelling to go down after they put the temporary crown on, and I'm not looking forward to going through it again for the permanent one.

Current thing: Doing a bit of writing of various kinds.

Current desktop picture: This very cool image of Avon from Blake's 7.

Current song in head: Nothing seems to be playing right now. When I woke up this morning, it was Steeleye Span's rendition of "Gentleman Soldier." Oh, wait. Now it's back.

Current book: A volume called The Divine Comedies, which contains two novels by Tom Holt: Here Comes the Sun and Odds and Gods. I just finished the first one, haven't started the second yet.

Current video in player: A tape with some space-related shows a friend recorded for me off the History Channel a while back. I was watching one about "The Search for Life on Mars" the other day. Currently in the DVD player is a disc of Alien Nation episodes.

Current refreshment: Coffee.

Current worry: That I'm going to have great difficulty this week switching myself over onto night shift. I've been waking up at ridiculously early hours lately.

Current thought: I should really finish up this last cup of coffee and go take a shower.

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