Friday, October 17, 2003

Well, Gee, Now I Feel Really Old

Here's a really funny article from Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine: they got a bunch of 21st-century kids to play classic video games like Donkey Kong and Pong, and transcribed their reactions. F'rinstance, here's what they thought of Tetris (a game which I spent staggering amounts of my free time playing a cheap knockoff version of in college):

Tim: Which button do I press to make the blocks explode?

EGM: Sorry, they don't explode.

Becky: This is boring. Maybe if it had characters and stuff and different levels, it would be OK. If things blew up or something or-

Sheldon: If there were bombs.

Becky: Yeah, or special bricks. Like, if a yellow brick touched a red brick it would blow up and you'd have to start over.

John: Why haven't I won yet? I've paired up so many of the same color.

EGM: Don't worry about colors.

John: I just lined up six of the same color. Why didn't they blow up?

EGM: Nothing blows up.

The rest is even funnier. Especially when they force the poor unsuspecting tykes to play the old Atari E.T. game. *shudder*

(Link via Angels from Another Pin.)

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