Sunday, September 21, 2003

Because I'm Falling Behind on My Quota of Stupid Internet Quizzes

The leader
The Spirited Leader - You are usually the one who
accepts tasks that others find daunting. You
work hard and are not afraid to make sacrifices
if you believe in the cause. Unfortunately, you
always end up feeling overwhelmed and lonely.
You can keep your chin up however, because
you'll always succeed, no matter how long it

What Type of Storybook Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah, right! I am so not leadership material...

i'm in ravenclaw!

be sorted @

Well, that's pretty much what I would have figured.

Undying Artist
You are the Undying Artist. Moody, erratic, and
empassioned, you find art in the darkness. You
cultivate dark beauty and dark artists to
surround yourself and drink of the song in
their blood.

What Fictional Vampire Archtype are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Now I have this image of me as a vampire, writing Forever Knight fan fiction or something...

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