Thursday, June 12, 2003

It's Wacky Search Request Time Again!

Last week, I complained that I'd gotten a pretty weak batch of search requests and that I really thought you people could do better. And you did! Here's some of the more interesting things people have come here looking for this week:

  • BETTY BAD all skins and boobs: I am not bad, nor could I remotely be described as "all skin and boobs."

  • naked tenctonese: Yes, as with the Trill, those spots do go all the way down.

  • "joke recipes": That wasn't chili powder! It was itching powder! Ha ha ha!

  • what happens in the last episode of buffy: The world ends and everybody dies. (Well, really, like I'm going to tell you...)

  • quicksand sites/mud puddle visuals: It's a measure of just how used I am to getting pornographic search requests that my first thought on reading this one was, "Wow, that's an odd kink."

  • pics of humans having sex: And it's a further measure of the above that my immediate reaction to this one was, "How refreshingly normal."

  • nude grannys: Case in point.

  • levity mood elevation formula: I usually just go and listen to really depressing music, and that almost always cheers me right up.

  • monkey sex: Yeah, I knew I was leaving myself wide open for that one.

  • who would win in a fight, the scarrans or the klingons: Well, there's a question. Hmm, are we talking spaceship battle or hand-to-hand? If the latter... Well, Scarrans are awfully tough, but Klingons are more maneuverable. And they'd undoubtedly do much better under the Scarran heat weapons than, say, a Sebacean would. I think I'd call it about even, but if forced to bet I'd probably marginally favor the Scarran. If we're talking space battles, well, I never did particularly enjoy those heated "U.S.S. Enterprise vs. Imperial Star Destroyer"-type arguments that seem to be endemic among hardcore geeks. It seems to me that it's really impossible to tell who'd win without knowing how the technology matches up. Do Scarrans have the kind of shields that can deflect Klingon disrupter beams? Who knows? They've never encountered them! I say just make up any answer you like.

  • free nude skydiver pictures: Wow, talk about being able to feel the breeze...

  • Do you put the title of a song in quotes?: Yes. (That was much easier to answer than the Klingons vs. Scarrans question!)

  • unstuff your nose naturally: This is generally referred to as "blowing" the nose, and in polite society is always done into a paper tissue or a handkerchief. Hope that helps!
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