Thursday, April 17, 2003

Yep, It's the Third Season. Somebody Pass the Kleenex.

So, I did steel myself and watch the rest of the most recent Farscape release. And I'm fairly happy with the extras on disc 2, as well. The commentary track with Claudia Black is quite good; she always has interesting things to say, and talks quite a bit on this one about both the emotional arcs of the various characters and about the practicalities of filming the series. And the "behind the scenes interview" segment features Paul Goddard (Stark), which particularly pleases me, as I really do think that Stark is a shamefully neglected character. (I still can't get over the fact that he wasn't so much as mentioned on the "Farscape Undressed" special, the main point of which was to introduce the characters and current storyline to new viewers just tuning in.[*]) And, I gotta say, Stark's scenes in "Self-Inflicted Wounds" just absolutely tear my heart out. Not that he's the only one suffering, of course. The entire episode -- hell, the entire season, really -- is pretty much one massive angst-fest. Which I'm certainly not complaining about... Indeed, I think that one of Farscape's great strengths is that it makes us care so deeply about what happens to these characters. Of course, I still feel like a sentimental sap when I start crying over the tragedies of TV characters, but, hey, my self-image can handle it. In any case, I suppose I'd probably better leave the kleenex out. I'm certainly going to need it again later in the season, when we get to [episode title deleted out of spoiler considerations]. Sniffle.

[*] Hey, speaking of which... Why wasn't the "Farscape Undressed" special included with this set of discs? This would definitely be the appropriate place for it. Hmm, OK, maybe I'm not quite as happy with the extras on these as I thought...

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