Friday, April 11, 2003

It Looks Like It's Designed for People Like Me, Right Up Until the Point Where You Realize It Ain't Designed for People Like Me...

So, I just saw this rather interesting website (link via Pop Culture Junk Mail): Singlefile. It's a web-based service that helps you keep tracks of your book collection, including lists of what books you own, what books you've bought but haven't read yet, what books you want to get, etc. Which sounds like a really nifty idea, and at first I thought it might be a really cool thing to use if, say, I ever actually broke down and bought a PDA. 'Cause then I could access it from the bookstore and make sure I wasn't buying something I already owned (something that's already happened to me several times), or use it to remind myself which used books I'd meant to keep my eyes open for. Looks like it has some nifty features, too. But then I saw this: "Pricing starts at only $19.95 per year for up to 500 books." 500 books? Bwahahaha! You funny. I think that might just about cover my To-Read Pile. I'm not completely sure about that, though. I've become afraid of counting it. (In fairness, they do have an "unlimited books" option for $39.95. But, for the moment, I think I'm going to stick with my Microsoft database file, my Amazon wish list, and my little scribbled notes to myself...)

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