Friday, February 28, 2003

A Literary Friday Five

1. What is your favorite type of literature to read (magazine, newspaper, novels, nonfiction, poetry, etc.)? Heck, I'll read just about anything: novels, magazines, web pages, nonfiction, fan fiction, the backs of cereal boxes... I'd say, though, that about 80% of my book-reading consists of novels (mainly, though by no means exclusively, science fiction and fantasy), and the other 20% is mostly nonfiction.

2. What is your favorite novel? I honestly don't have one. How could I possibly choose?!

3. Do you have a favorite poem? (Share it!) I'm not all that fond of poetry as a general rule, but I adore Robert Frost. It's hard to pick just one poem of his as a favorite, though. "The Road Not Taken" and "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening" are justifiable classics, and very dear to my heart, but some of my other favorites of his are considerably more obscure: "On a Tree Fallen Across the Road," "Reluctance," "All Revelation" (which, sadly, I can't seem to find online), "I Will Sing You One-O"... Oh, man, great stuff. Go read it.

4. What is one thing you've always wanted to read, or wish you had more time to read? I just wish I had more time to read everything. I wish I had time to read the 400+ books on the To-Read Piles stacked up in my bedroom.

5. What are you currently reading? Parallel 59 by Natalie Dallaire & Stephen Cole. It's a Doctor Who novel. I don't know why it seems that every time this question comes up here I'm reading some kind of TV tie-in novel... I do read lots of other stuff, truly!

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