Monday, November 25, 2002

I'm Thankful That I Don't Have to Clean the Bathtub Again for a While

How was your weekend? I spent most of mine house-cleaning.

Amazingly enough, it seems that I'm going to be hosting Thanskgiving at my house this year. This is completely unprecedented; to date, my role has always been to go and mooch off of other people on Thanksgiving.

It just so happens, though, that my uncle, who is in the Air National Guard, is in Albuquerque at Kirtland AFB at the moment for some kind of special training. Since I didn't get to see him when I was in New Jersey -- in fact, he left to come out here only a day or two before I got there -- I thought it'd be nice to get together with him while he's in my neck of the woods. My mom, who hasn't seen her little brother for a while, either, thus came up with the following plan: she and my stepfather are going to drive out here from California, hook up with my uncle, and then all descend upon me for Thanksgiving. Mom's even offered to bring the turkey and do the cooking, so I say, hey, bring it on!

But it does kind of mean that I had to clean the house. And I'm one of those people who simply lacks the ability to notice dirt. (This is generally viewed as an affliction unique to guys, but then, I've long suspected myself of missing a few crucial genes on that second X-chromosome. Like the Fashion Sense Gene.) This means that my house after it's been cleaned more-or-less approximates the state of most other people's houses -- or at least, most other women's houses -- when they're first starting to think, "Man, does this place really need cleaning!" But I figure as long as my guests don't run screaming at the sight of the bathroom, I'm cool.

I guess we'll see whether that happens or not.

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