Friday, October 11, 2002

A Frustrating Friday Five

1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be? One? One!? Listen, with a lot of agonizing, I could maybe whittle it down to the traditional Desert Island Discs selection of five or ten. Let's see... Paul Simon's Graceland would definitely have to be on there, because, if there is such a thing as an Objectively Great Album, Graceland is it. There'd have to be some Floyd; Dark Side of the Moon springs to mind as an obvious choice, but on second thought, I'd probably pick Wish You Were Here instead. Rush's Roll the Bones, no question. Gotta have some Tull, maybe The Broadsword and the Beast. And I'd have to have a Leonard Cohen disc for when I got depressed. Damn, that's five already. And I haven't even picked a Beatles album. I think it's one of the rules of picking desert island discs that you have to have a Beatles album. Come to think of it, I'd really want that disc of Pachelbel's Canon in D that I mentioned a couple of days ago, too. And some Weird Al. How am I going to stay sane on a desert island with no Weird Al? Gotta have some Celtic stuff, too. Maybe something by the Chieftans? How many is that? Well, more than one, that's for sure...

2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be? Two? Movies? What the...? Um. Maybe Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, since I love it dearly, and since I seem to have watched it about an average of once a year since I was a teenager, anyway. Then again, I've pretty much got the whole movie memorized by now, so maybe I don't need to have it with me. And I have no idea what the other movie would be. Can I maybe trade my two movies for a season of Buffy or something?

3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be? What?! Why not just kill me and have done with it, you sadist? OK, OK, I'll try to answer the question, but really... Shudder. I'm seriously tempted to pick three books I haven't read yet, because at least that'll give me three new books I can read before I have to -- sob! -- stop forever. But then, what if they turned out to suck? I'd be stuck with them forever. So... Can I count The Lord of the Rings as one book? Because I've been meaning to re-read that forever, it's nice and long (which is good because I want as many words as possible if they have to last me for the rest of my life), and by all accounts, it does reward repeated re-reading. Plus, if I got really bored, maybe I could teach myself Elvish from the appendix or something. As for the other two... Ah, hell. I can't do it. I just can't. Shoot me and put me out of my misery, instead.

4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be? I'd have to consult with a nutritionist before answering this. If I just chose foods because I liked them, I'd die of malnutrition.

5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be? Is that talk/associate/whatever in person, or does over the internet also count? Oh, never mind. Either way, I don't think I could answer it. I'd feel compelled to name members of my family, but, honestly, much as I love them, if my family were the only people I ever got to talk to, I think I'd go crazy.

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