Friday, August 16, 2002

You Know, I'm Actually Kind of Tempted...

This is one of the nuttier ideas I've come across lately, but it's got an odd sort of appeal, nonetheless: The Time Travel Fund. You contribute $10 to a fund, it gets put into the bank to earn interest for the next 500 years (or however long it takes to invent time travel), at which point the money, now grown into a truly fantastic sum, theoretically gets used to come back and get you and give you a ride into the future. They seem to have this all pretty well thought out, too, e.g. "One provision built into the fund is that it must be not only technically feasible, it must be legal as well. A maintenance fund that part of your membership fee goes to can be used to pay whatever it is that passes as lawyers in the future to try and make it legal."

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