Saturday, July 06, 2002

Hey, This Is My Idea of an Exciting Night on the Town

Well, I did end up driving into Albuquerque today. (Or, technically, I suppose it was yesterday, since it's now well after midnight, but why quibble?) I took the last few Farscape episodes up to show to my poor Farscape-deprived friend. I've got her so good and hooked now that she's started buying Farscape magazine and mining it for little bits of trivia, like the fact that "Suns and Lovers" holds the season-three record for the number of times the characters said the word "frell." (Um, it's a Farscapese swear-word. And, boy, do those people have potty mouths. The record-setting total, in case you were wondering, was 13.) Yes, I've created a monster! Isn't it great?

Anyway, so we watched Farscape videos, went out for some pizza -- if you're ever in Albuquerque and hankering for some excellent east coast-style pizza, I can heartily recommend Pizza Castle on Eubank -- and then went to see Minority Report. I feel like I should post some kind of intelligent in-depth review of the movie, complete with philosphical musings on temporal paradoxes and the nature of free will, but, like I said, it's well after midnight, and I'm not sure I have it in me. Suffice it to say that it's a surprisingly good movie, and you should go see it, if you haven't yet.

And now I'm back home and should really think about getting to sleep, I suppose...

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