Thursday, May 16, 2002

This started off as a really rotten day. Mainly because I somehow managed to bend the frame on my eyeglasses, and spent about 45 minutes this morning trying to bend them back, which not only made me much later for work than I'd intended, but was ultimately pretty unsuccessful. Meaning my entire world is now skewed slightly out of alignment. I went to the optometrist's office, hoping they could fix 'em for me (they're really good about things like that), only to discover that -- guess what? Yup, they're closed on Thursdays! Sigh.

So I'm coming back from the closed optometrist's office, feeling highly annoyed and slightly nauseated from my misaligned eyeballs, and basically hovering on the verge of either screaming my lungs out right there in traffic or simply driving back home and crawling back under the covers, and work be damned. And then this voice comes on the radio and tells me that Rush -- who are one of my absolute all-time favorite bands, and who I've just been complaining that I'd probably never get to see in concert -- are going to be playing in Albuquerque after all.

It's little things like that that make life bearable, really.

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