Thursday, May 16, 2002

I've been entertaining myself today by reading Wil Wheaton's blog pages. Yep, that's Wil Wheaton, who played Wesley Crusher, the Star Trek character we all loved to hate. I gotta say, I had a pretty negative impression of Wheaton after seeing him on the Star Trek version of The Weakest Link. He did say afterwards that he was trying to be funny, or self-parodying, or something, by playing up to the snottiness level set by the host of the show, but, frankly, he just came across as a major asshole. Turns out he's not, though. He's a really cool guy (as well as being just as big a geek as I am), and he keeps a pretty interesting blog. For some reason, I find that this realization has actually helped to cheer my up. I'm even looking forward to seeing him in the new TNG movie. (He's got a cameo part as Wesley.)

Also helping to cheer me up today was a co-worker's brilliant suggestion that I go out and get chocolate milkshakes and bring them back to the office. That helped improve everybody's day, I think. But then, I've always been of the firm opinion that there are few personal problems that cannot be effectively treated with chocolate.

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